AIC 003510.03 (AIC 3510.03) – High Voltage in 5V Sensor Supply 2

AIC 003510.03 (AIC 3510.03)

Code: 003510.03

Shortcode: 3510.03


This error code, AIC 3510.03, indicates that the voltage for the 5V sensor supply 2 in the Armrest Interface Control Unit has risen above 5.25 volts, suggesting a possible short to a 12V source.


Due to this high voltage situation, the functionality of systems relying on this power supply has been degraded to prevent potential damage.


  • Inspect the 5V sensor supply 2 circuit for any signs of a short to 12V, focusing on connections and wiring that might be inadvertently exposed to or connected with higher voltage lines.
  • Use a voltmeter to measure the voltage output at the 5V supply to confirm the overvoltage condition and help identify specific areas of concern.
  • Examine all related electrical components and replace any that are damaged or malfunctioning, which could contribute to voltage irregularities.
  • After making necessary repairs or adjustments, recalibrate the voltage supply to ensure it consistently outputs within the specified safe range.
  • Conduct a comprehensive system test to verify that the repair has resolved the issue and that all functions are operating correctly within normal voltage parameters.


Regular maintenance and careful monitoring of voltage levels in control unit circuits are crucial to ensure the proper function and longevity of machinery’s electronic components. Proactive management of potential electrical issues helps maintain system stability and prevent operational disruptions.

Control Units: John Deere

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