EPC 002033.09 – Incorrect CAN BUS Message, Information from BCU

EPC 002033.09 (EPC 2033.09)

Code: 002033.09

Shortcode: 2033.09


This error code, EPC 002033.09, is generated when a data transfer problem occurs between the BCU and EPC. The reception of the CAN message from the BCU control unit regarding the status of the front-wheel drive is intermittent or nonexistent, which could be due to a loose wire or other communication issue. The missing CAN message is ignored by the EPC control unit once the engagement of the front-wheel drive has been reported by the BCU control unit.


When this error is detected, the control system may not receive accurate data regarding the front-wheel drive status, potentially leading to improper vehicle management and performance issues.


Inspect CAN BUS Wiring:

  • Check the CAN BUS wiring between the BCU and EPC for any signs of damage, loose connections, or corrosion. Repair or replace as necessary.

Verify Connectors:

  • Ensure that all connectors in the CAN BUS network are securely connected and free of contaminants.

Test BCU and EPC Communication:

  • Use diagnostic tools to test the communication between the BCU and EPC. Ensure that messages are being sent and received correctly.

Check for Intermittent Faults:

  • Look for any intermittent faults that could be causing the communication issue. Wiggle the wires and connectors to see if the fault can be replicated.

Reset and Test System:

  • After addressing the issues, reset the system and monitor the CAN BUS communication to ensure it is stable and reliable.


Maintaining the integrity of the CAN BUS network through regular inspections, proper shielding, and secure connections is essential for reliable communication between control units. Regular updates and diagnostic checks can help prevent data transfer issues.

Control Units: John Deere

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