FCC 000158.00 – Instrument Unit, Supply Voltage (ELX) Too High

FCC 000158.00 (FCC 158.00)

Code: 000158.00

Shortcode: 158.00


This error code indicates that the supply voltage to the Instrument Unit (ELX) has exceeded 15.5 volts while the engine speed is above 500 RPM. This can occur due to issues with the alternator, voltage regulator, or wiring that leads to an overvoltage condition.


The control software will have limited or no functionality due to the overvoltage condition, which is a protective measure to prevent damage to the electrical components.


  • Inspect Alternator and Voltage Regulator: Check the alternator and voltage regulator for proper function. Ensure they are regulating the voltage within the specified range.
  • Examine Wiring and Connections: Look for any signs of damaged wiring or poor connections that might cause a voltage spike.
  • Check Battery Condition: Ensure the battery is in good condition and not overcharging.
  • Use Diagnostic Tools: Utilize appropriate diagnostic tools to monitor the voltage levels and identify the root cause of the overvoltage.


Continuous operation under high voltage can cause permanent damage to the Instrument Unit and other electrical components. Prompt resolution of this issue is crucial to maintaining the integrity of the system.

Control Units: John Deere

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