HCC 000190.02 – Rear Hitch Calibration Fault/Engine Speed Low

HCC 000190.02 (HCC 190.02)

Code: 000190.02

Shortcode: 190.02


This code is generated when the Rear Hitch Raise Limit is calibrated with the engine speed below 1800 rpm. It is important to note that this code may be induced by the operator or technician during the calibration process.


This error code results in an indicator or alarm only, without disabling any functions.


  • Recalibrate Rear Hitch:
    • Ensure the engine speed is above 1800 rpm during the calibration of the Rear Hitch Raise Limit.
  • Operator/Technician Training:
    • Provide training to operators and technicians on the correct procedures for calibrating the rear hitch to avoid inducing this fault code.
  • Verify Engine Performance:
    • Check the engine’s performance to ensure it can consistently reach and maintain the required speed for calibration processes.


Proper calibration procedures are crucial for the accurate operation of the rear hitch. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines to avoid unnecessary error codes and alarms.

Control Units: John Deere

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