OIC 000158.04 – Control Software, Supply Voltage (ELX) Too Low

OIC 000158.04 (OIC 158.04)

Code: 000158.04

Shortcode: 158.04


This error code indicates that the switched supply voltage to the control software (ELX) has dropped below 9 volts. Low voltage can cause the control software to operate improperly or fail to function.


The control software may function in a limited capacity or stop working altogether, potentially disrupting vehicle operation.


Inspect Power Supply:

  • Check the power supply source to ensure it is providing adequate voltage. Verify that the battery or power supply unit is functioning correctly.

Check Wiring and Connections:

  • Inspect all wiring and connections related to the power supply for signs of damage, loose connections, or corrosion. Repair or replace any faulty components.

Test Voltage Levels:

  • Use a multimeter to monitor the voltage levels supplied to the control software. Ensure that the voltage stays within the recommended range (typically 12-15 volts).

Replace Faulty Components:

  • If the power supply unit or battery is found to be faulty, replace it with a properly functioning unit.

Update Control Software:

  • Ensure that the control software is updated to the latest version. Firmware updates may improve voltage handling capabilities.

Consult Manufacturer Support:

  • If the issue persists, consult technical support or the manufacturer for further diagnostics and potential replacement parts.

Monitor System Performance:

  • After addressing the issue, monitor the system to ensure that the voltage levels remain stable and the error does not recur.


Maintaining a stable and adequate power supply is crucial for the proper operation of the control software. Undervoltage conditions can lead to significant operational issues if not promptly addressed.

Control Units: John Deere

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