OIC 000168.03 – Control Software, Supply Voltage Too High

OIC 000168.03 (OIC 168.03)

Code: 000168.03

Shortcode: 168.03


This error code indicates that the supply voltage to the control software has risen above 18 volts. Such high voltage levels can disrupt the normal operation of the control software, potentially causing malfunction or damage.


The control software may function in a limited capacity or stop working altogether, leading to potential disruptions in vehicle operation.


Inspect Power Supply:

  • Check the power supply source for any signs of malfunction. Ensure that the power regulator is functioning correctly and is not allowing voltage to exceed safe limits.

Check Wiring and Connections:

  • Inspect all wiring and connections related to the power supply for signs of damage, loose connections, or corrosion. Repair or replace any faulty components.

Test Voltage Levels:

  • Use a multimeter to monitor the voltage levels supplied to the control software. Ensure that the voltage stays within the recommended range (typically 12-15 volts).

Replace Faulty Components:

  • If the power supply unit or voltage regulator is found to be faulty, replace it with a properly functioning unit.

Update Control Software:

  • Ensure that the control software is updated to the latest version. Firmware updates may improve voltage handling capabilities.

Consult Manufacturer Support:

  • If the issue persists, consult technical support or the manufacturer for further diagnostics and potential replacement parts.

Monitor System Performance:

  • After addressing the issue, monitor the system to ensure that the voltage levels remain stable and the error does not recur.


Regularly checking the power supply and maintaining proper voltage levels is essential for the reliable operation of the control software. Overvoltage conditions can cause significant damage if not promptly addressed.

Control Units: John Deere

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