PAP 000639.14 – Vehicle CAN Bus (500 kBd), Very High Error Rate

PAP 000639.14 (PAP 639.14)

Code: 000639.14

Shortcode: 639.14


This error indicates an extremely high error rate in the CAN Bus messages, suggesting a general problem with the connection to the Vehicle CAN Bus (500 kBd).


The control software will experience significant limitations or may not function at all.


  • Inspect CAN Bus:
    • Thoroughly check the CAN Bus for major issues such as disconnections, damaged cables, or faulty connections.
  • Hardware Check:
    • Inspect related hardware components for faults that might contribute to high error rates.
  • Reduce Bus Load:
    • Attempt to reduce the number of messages on the CAN Bus.
  • Software Update:
    • Update the control software to ensure optimal performance.
  • Technical Support:
    • Contact technical support for a detailed diagnosis and resolution plan.


Extremely high error rates can severely impact communication on the CAN Bus, necessitating prompt and thorough troubleshooting.

Control Units: John Deere

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