PDU 000629.09 – PDU Display Message Missing

PDU 000629.09 (PDU 629.09)

Code: 000629.09

Shortcode: 629.09


This error code indicates that the Corner Post Display Unit (PDU) software failed to execute within the allotted time, resulting in missing display messages. This could be due to software glitches, processing delays, or communication issues.


There is no immediate reaction from the control unit; the system continues to operate, but without the expected display messages on the PDU.


  • Update PDU Software:
    • Ensure that the PDU software is up-to-date with the latest version to avoid execution delays.
  • Inspect for Software Corruption:
    • Check the integrity of the PDU software for any signs of corruption or errors. Reinstall the software if necessary.
  • Verify System Resources:
    • Ensure the PDU has sufficient processing power and memory to handle the required tasks without delays.
  • Check Communication Lines:
    • Inspect the communication lines and connections between the PDU and other control units for any signs of damage or interference.


Regular software maintenance and updates can prevent such issues from occurring. Keeping a backup of the PDU software and configurations can also help in quick recovery.

Control Units: John Deere

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