RLC 000639.12 – Vehicle CAN Bus (500 kBd), High Error Rate

RLC 000639.12 (RLC 639.12)

Code: 000639.12

Shortcode: 639.12


This error code is triggered when the CAN bus messages received cannot all be processed, possibly due to a CAN bus overload or an internal control software error.


When this error is detected, the control software may experience limited or no functionality, affecting the performance or operation of specific electronic control systems within the equipment.


  • Check CAN Bus Load:
    • Monitor the CAN bus load to ensure it is within acceptable limits. Reduce the number of devices on the CAN bus if it is overloaded.
  • Inspect CAN Bus Connections:
    • Inspect all connections on the CAN bus for signs of damage, loose connections, or corrosion. Secure or replace any compromised connectors.
  • Verify Termination Resistors:
    • Ensure that the CAN bus has proper termination resistors at both ends of the network. Incorrect termination can cause communication errors.
  • Update Control Software:
    • Ensure that the control software is up-to-date with the latest firmware. Software updates can include fixes for CAN bus handling and other related issues.
  • Consult Technical Support:
    • If the issue persists, contact technical support for further diagnostics and assistance.


High error rates on the CAN bus can lead to significant communication issues and affect the overall functionality of the vehicle’s electronic systems. Regular inspection and maintenance of the CAN bus network are crucial to prevent such problems.

Control Units: John Deere

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