SCC 523788.31 – Hydraulic Option Configuration Invalid

SCC 523788.31 (SCC )

Code: 523788.31



This error code indicates that the option pin configuration for optional SV I—IV features is invalid or not supported. This can lead to improper functioning of the system.


When this code is detected, the SCC functions will be degraded, impacting overall performance.


Verify Option Configuration:

  • Check the current option pin configuration for SV I—IV features. Ensure it is a valid and supported configuration.

Consult Documentation:

  • Refer to the equipment’s documentation to verify the correct and supported configurations for SV I—IV.

Reconfigure Settings:

  • Reconfigure the option settings to a valid configuration. Ensure the settings align with supported features.

Inspect Wiring and Connectors:

  • Inspect all wiring and connectors related to the option configuration for signs of tampering, damage, poor connections, or corrosion. Repair or replace as necessary.

Update Firmware and Software:

  • Ensure the SCC and related control units have the latest firmware and software updates to prevent configuration-related issues.

Consult Technical Support:

  • If the issue persists, contact technical support for further diagnostics and assistance.


  • Valid configurations are essential for the proper operation of hydraulic features. Regular verification and adherence to documentation help maintain system integrity.

Control Units: John Deere

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